Risk Management policy

Statement of Intent

Polstead Preschool understands the importance of ensuring that systems are in place for checking that Preschool is a safe and secure place for children, staff and other visitors. Our risk management procedures are part of a continuous process to prevent any dangerous incidents taking place. They are the responsibility of all staff as part of their daily duties.

In accordance with our duties under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Preschool is required to undertake regular risk assessments and take any necessary action arising from these.


The Management Committee’s Chair and Supervisor are responsible for making sure that risk assessments are completed, logged and effectively monitored. Reviews are conducted when there is any change to equipment or resources, any change to the premises, or when the particular needs of a child or other visitor necessitates this.

The Management Committee’s Chair and Supervisor are further responsible for conducting any necessary reviews or making changes to Preschool’s policies or procedures in the light of any potential risks that they or other members of staff discover.

A visual inspection of both the equipment and the entire premises – both indoor and outdoors – will be carried out daily. This will, ordinarily, be carried out by a designated member of staff on arrival at the setting and will be completed before any children arrive.

During the session, staff will be vigilant and continuously aware of any potential risks to health and safety arising from:

  • Preschool’s environment, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Entry and exit points.
  • All surfaces, both indoors and outdoors.
  • All equipment used by children or staff.

On discovering a hazard, staff will take all steps necessary to making themselves and any other people potentially affected safe. They will then notify the Supervisor and ensure that a record is made in the Incident Record Book.

The Supervisor, in conjunction with the Chair of the Management Committee, are then responsible for ensuring that any necessary action is taken.

Recording Accidents, Incidents and Dangerous Occurrences

All accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences will be recorded in either the Incident Record Book or the Accident Record Book on the same day as the event took place. Records will be used to inform or change practice to ensure accidents and incidents in Preschool are minimised.

Records must contain:

  • The time, date and nature of the incident, accident or dangerous occurrence.
  • Details of the people involved.
  • The type, nature and location of any injury sustained.
  • The action taken and by whom.
  • The signature of the member of staff who dealt with the event, any witnesses and a countersignature by the parents/carers of the child or children involved.

Staff should inform the parents/carers of the child or children concerned at the end of the session in which the incident, accident or dangerous occurrence took place. Where this is not possible, the information will be passed on at the earliest possible opportunity.

Ofsted will be informed of any serious accident, injury or death that occurs to any child (whether or not the child is in Preschool’s care) or adult on the premises, or outings. Preschool will follow Ofsted guidance that says: ‘If you are on the Early Years Register, the Statutory Framework for the EYFS requires you to notify your local child protection agency of any serious accident or injury to, or death of, a child in your care’.

These agencies will be informed within 14 days of the incident occurring.

Preschool will act on any advice from these agencies.

Further guidance

Guidance, and definitions of ‘serious injury’ can be found in the Ofsted fact sheet ref: 110009 “Serious accidents, injuries and deaths that registered providers must notify to Ofsted and local child protection agencies” October 2011.

Preschool will also report work-related accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences under the RIDDOR ’95 regulations (see www.hse.gov.uk/riddor)

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